On What Italian-Americans Can Teach You About Personal Finance

Tip  1: “Save like you have no job and 6 mouths to feed.”
Tip  2: “Look for non-material ways to feel rich.”
Tip  3: “Use your network for help.”
Tip  4: “What’s a credit card?”
Tip  5: “You can’t count on your job – always have other sources of income.”
Tip  6: “Do it yourself.”
Tip  7: “Trust your family, be wary of everyone else.”
Tip  8: “You are not defined by your job or fame.”
Tip  9: “Think big picture.”
Tip  10: “Ignore your neighbors.”

@ http://www.scordo.com/personal-finance/on-what-italian-americans-immigrant-personal-finance-tips.html